
Published by Subro C on
The company objective was to use data from fleet owners, routes and environmental factors to offer instant quotes and booking options for charter bus rentals which is unique in the industry.PAIN POINTPeople trying to book charter buses often have to wait for... Read More

Insurance Tech

Published by Subro C on
The company objective was to use rich customer insights, advanced technology and data science to build cloud-native InsurTech solutions to bring down insurance prices and improve driving experience.PAIN POINTCustomers are constantly seeking lower prices for ... Read More

A Guide To Conversion Focused User Acquisition

Published by Subro C on
When we look at our Google analytics traffic sources, we are often misled by the sheer volume of traffic coming from some of the popular domains- Facebook, Google, Reddit and so on.But most often marketers don't track the quality of that traffic beyond a certain point. And when ... Read More

What 500+ Bootstrapped Businesses Tell Us About User Acquisition

Published by Subro C on
Acquiring users is always a major challenge for most bootstrapped businesses. In fact it's one of those challenges that stay with the business for most of its initial life albeit in different forms. The very first users, also known as early adopters give valuable feedback to help the product ... Read More